基 本 情 況
姓 名: 李朋傑
職 稱: 講師
郵 箱🧑🏻: lipj@bsu.edu.cn
電 話👨👦: 15510168247
簡 歷
2019年9月 — 今 :意昂2,講師
2016年6月 — 2019年8月 :同方威視技術股份有限公司
2013年2月— 2015年8月:清華大學聯合培養博士後
2009年9月— 2013年1月:博士,北京郵電大學,計算機科學與技術專業
2006年9月— 2009年7月👲🏼:碩士,燕山大學🦻🏿🥀,計算機系統結構專業
2001年9月— 2005年7月:大學,河北農業大學⛹🏽♀️,計算機科學與技術專業
[1] Pengjie Li👭,Jianwei Li🌵,Shouxin Zong, et al. Soccer Field Registration Based on Geometric Constraint and Deep Learning Method. The 4th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV 2021).
[2] Pengjie Li, Yanfei Shen, An Image-Based Method for 3D Human Shapes Retrieval, International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC2020).
[3] Fuwei Jiao, Tianxiao Guo, Jianwei Li, Pengjie Li, et al. Research on the Emotion Regulation Effect of Home Sports Based on Social Media Data Analysis and Online Experimental Investigation. International Conference on Information Technology and Contemporary Sports (ICITCS2021).
[3] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, A Non-rigid 3D Model Retrieval Method Based on Scale-Invariant Heat Kernel Signature Features, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 7, 2017, pp. 10207-10230.
[5] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, Combining Topological and View-based Features for 3D Model Retrieval, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2013, Volume 65, Issue 3, pp. 335-361.
[6] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, Non-rigid 3D Model Retrieval Using Multi-Scale Local Features, Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Multimedia, ACM Multimedia, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011, pp. 1425-1428.
[7] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, View-based 3D Model Retrieval Using Two-Level Spatial Structure, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (IEEE ICIP), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Brussels, Belgium, 2011, pp. 3657-3660.
[8] Anlong Ming, Liang Liu, Pengjie Li, et al., Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Traffic Scenes Under an Images-to-Model Framework, International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8887, Springer, Cham, 2014, pp. 763-772.
[9] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, View-based 3D Model Retrieval With Topological Structure. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2011, pp. 1-6.
[10] Pengjie Li, Huadong Ma, Anlong Ming, 3D Model Retrieval Using 2D View and Transform-based Features. The Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2010, pp. 449-460.
[1] 獲北京市博士後科研經費資助
[1] 北京市博士後科研經費資助項目“光照、姿態變化條件下人臉識別關鍵技術研究”。(主持人)
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年項目“新一代視頻監控網絡中匹配無關的目標運動模式研究”🍴。(參與人)
[3] 國家自然科學基金傑出青年項目“網絡環境中多媒體計算”。(參與人)
[4] 國家自然科學基金青年項目“多攝像機視頻監控中的人物角色分類技術研究”。(參與人)